Winter Sale - FREE Accessories

Instructions: Installing Chain Guard on Alpha One and Alpha Two

Step 1: Identify the parts

Note that the nut for the seat stay bracket is usually already pressed into the bracket, but it occasionally comes loose in shipping and needs to be placed back in the rear bracket.

indentify chainguard parts


Step 2: Put the shims inside the brackets

Note that the nut for the seat stay bracket is usually already pressed into the bracket, but it occasionally comes loose in shipping and needs to be placed back in the rear bracket.

put shims inside chain guard brackets


Step 3:  Attach the down tube bracket

Wrap the down tube bracket around the down tube with the holes for the screw facing down and the nub that attaches to the chain guard facing the chain ring.  Put the nut and screw in place, but keep the bracket loose so it can be adjusted later.

install down tube chainguard bracket 

Step 4: Attach Rear Bracket

Wrap the bracket around the chain stay.  Make sure the screw hole faces up and the side of the bracket with the nut is on the inside of the chain stay (towards the wheel).

install chainstay chainguard bracket on alpha one


Step 5: Attach chain guard to brackets

Insert the nub on the down tube bracket into the slot in the front of the chain guard.

slot chainguard onto downtube bracket


Position the hole at the read of the chain guard inside the rear bracket an insert the rear bracket screw.

install rear chainguard bracket


Step 6: Position the chain guard and tighten

Move the brackets and chain guard until the chainguard is properly positioned on the bike.  The chainguard should sit close to the chainwheel.  Make sure that the chainguard is positioned so that it does not interfere with pedal, crank and/or chain operation.  Tighten the bracket screws.  

position chainguard